Photos: 5 men beaten and stripped naked for raping an 8 year old girl

Photos: 5 men beaten and stripped naked for raping an 8 year old girl

According to lindaikeji blog, the incident took place in Nigeria, where these men were beaten up at Relief market in Owerri, Imo state after they allegedly took turns to rape an eight year old girl selling sachet water in the market.
More  photos after the cut.

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Posted by Slaustz, Published at June 01, 2016 and have 3 comments


  1. These five beasts deserves harsh punishment for their crime.An innocent poor Girl selling sachet water was raped by these bastards.I think their penus should have been cut as a warning for those commiting such crimes.

    1. Surely,
      The strange thing is how five head had to convice each other commiting such an act , Why Africaaa

