Robert Sleight was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - a genetic disorder resulting in progressive muscle weakness - at just three-years-oldDoctors told Robert Sleight he was unlikely to make it to his mid teens - but he refused to let his battle with a rare condition stop him.He was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) at the age of three, but has just celebrated his 30th birthday.But while the disease has taken its toll, meaning he has to use a ventilator 24-hours a day to help him breathe, he has been determined to enjoy his life to the full.Robert told the Gazette: “I feel lucky, turning 30 isn’t a huge deal for some people, but for me it’s a big deal.SEE ALSO; OLDEST PRIEST IN THE WORLD TURNS 107“I spent a lot of time worrying about my life expectancy, I regret the worry I put myself through”.
DMD is genetic disorder resulting in progressive muscle weakness and people with the condition typically live into their late twenties.
Robert Sleight at home with his mum, Cheryl |
Realising the Miracle, Roberts friends and family wanted to organise an event to help celebrate the occasion.
Posted by July 11, 2016 and have
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