LEAKED: Donald Trump tape in 1992 saying he'd date a 10 year old girl in 10 years

LEAKED: Donald Trump tape in 1992 saying he'd date a 10 year old girl in 10 years

Entertainment Tonight which is owned by CBS after leaking tape of Donald Trump making lewd Remarks,they  went digging in their archives to see if they could find more dirt of Donald Trump and they did it. 
Last night, they released an audio tape of Donald Trump in 1992 saying he'd date a 10 year old girl in 10 years.

Donald Trump is not seen in the video, which was recorded around Christmas time inside Trump Tower in 1992. CBS says he was looking at a group of 10-year-old children walking past him when he made the comment, and you see the group of girls on a nearby escalator right after the comment.

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Posted by Slaustz, Published at October 12, 2016 and have 0 comments

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