Scientists Say Eyes Reveals Information About Our Personality

Scientists Say Eyes Reveals Information About Our Personality

According to source this discussion appeared on Quora: the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights.

A user asked the question

What is the single most revealing thing about any person?
Fortunately Natalie Engelbrecht, Psychotherapist, on Quora, had the best answer as follows

What is the single most revealing thing about any person? Their eyes.

  1. Women with lighter colored eyes experience less pain during childbirth compared to women with darker eyes.
  2. Those with densely packed crypts are more warmhearted, tender, trusting and likely to sympathize with others.
  3. Those with more contraction furrows are more neurotic, impulsive and likely to give way to cravings.
  4. Scientists at Orebro University in Sweden studied over 400 subjects to see if their personalities were linked to the irises in their eye. They found that our eye color is affected by the same genes that form our frontal lobes, thus there are distinctly shared behaviors in people with similar irises.
  5. Dr. Anthony Fallone of Edinburgh University has studied the links between eyes and personality as well. He says, “The eye is so closely linked neurologically to the brain that you might call it the only part of our brain you can see from the outside. It seems to hold vital clues to our brain function.”
  6. A gene called PAX6, which controls the formation of the eye in the early stages of embryonic development. Research has shown that mutation of the gene results in poor social skills, impulsiveness and poor communication skills.
  7. People with lighter eyes also consume significantly more alcohol.
  8. Darker eyed people require less alcohol to become intoxicated.
  9. There is an extremely strong correlation between a person’s iris and their personality traits.
  10. There is more mutual eye contact between friends than others, and a looker’s frank gaze is widely interpreted as positive regard. Lovers really do gaze more into each other’s eyes.
  11. People who seek eye contact while speaking are regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their targets, but also as more believable and earnest. Politicians “sweep” the room with their gaze. Salesmen know to look at each member of their audience.
  12. If the usual short, intermittent gazes of a conversation are replaced by gazes of longer duration, the target interprets this as meaning that the communication is less important than the personal relationship between two people.
  13. Pupil dilation, blink rates, direction of gaze, widening of the eyes all send very clear messages.
  14. Many psychopathologies are associated with reduced and/or “odd” gaze patterns, especially autism and paranoia. People with schizophrenia and depressed people tend to avert eye gaze.
  15. The human fight or flight reaction is something few people can control; the brain signals the body to dump adrenaline into the bloodstream raising the heart rate and dilating the pupils (making them larger). As the pupils dilate, the peripheral vision narrows — it is a mechanism designed to have us face the threat directly. People about to act aggressively or perform a violent act will usually have their pupils dilated to the size of pie plates.

    Source: Forbes

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    Posted by Slaustz, Published at September 25, 2016 and have 0 comments

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