“I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose?” Trump Blames Bad Mic for his ‘sniffles’ During US First Presidential debate

“I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose?” Trump Blames Bad Mic for his ‘sniffles’ During US First Presidential debate

The wealthy businessman sniffed repeatedly as he faced off against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in their first Presidential debate

On Tuesday Donald Trump denied he was sniffling throughout the presidential debate, as he blamed overly sensitive microphones used at the Hofstra University showdown on Monday night.

“No! No sniffles,” he told Fox New Channel. “No. You know, the mic was very bad but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing.”

The Republican insisted he wasn’t sick: “But no sniffles, no cold.”

Trump told Fox News the microphone was going on and off and that his volume was lower than Hillary Clinton’s microphone.

“I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose?” he asked.

“I don’t want to believe in conspiracy theories, but it was much lower than hers.”

Overall, Twitter said the debate, the first in a series ahead of the Nov. 8 election, was the most tweeted-about political event in the social media company’s history. Trump was the focus of 62 percent of the conversation on the social media platform, Twitter said.

On Facebook, conversations about Trump made up 79 percent of debate chat, while Clinton’s share of the conversation was 21 percent.

However, sentiment appeared to go Clinton’s way. Social media analytics firm Zoomph said tweets mentioning Clinton ended at a ratio of about 1.5 to 1, which meant that for every negative mention, there were 1.5 positive mentions, Zoomph said.

Sentiment toward Trump fluctuated, but ended nearly flat at a ratio of one positive mention to every negative one.


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Posted by Slaustz, Published at September 27, 2016 and have 0 comments

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